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Why change what we’re doing?

We celebrate various gatherings of God's people (traditional, contemporary, or non-traditional).

In fact, we partner and network with churches of all kinds, relying on the strengths of each for the

common goal of doing God's will.  In addition, we believe God is moving in a fresh way that requires

another form of "church."  If you want to be a leader in the Journey, consider the following trends.

According to Thom Rainer at The Billy Graham School of Evangelism at Southern Seminary, the

percentage of people by generation that has experienced a spiritual birth is as follows:


65% -- Builder Generation (Born before 1946)


35% -- Boomer Generation (Born 1946-1964)


15% -- Gen X (Born 1965-1976)


4% -- Millennials (Born 1976-1994, measuring only those 17 and above)

According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, North America and Europe together are losing

6000 people/day from the ranks of Christianity.

There are nearly 1 million people in Tarrant County alone who are not connected to any local church.

Conventional churches spend increasing dollars on property, maintenance, and administration

with meager results at best in making new disciples.

There is a growing gap of communication and understanding between those inside and outside

the church.

We have created a church culture very foreign to what Jesus initiated.  Our church culture

has become consumer oriented (“What do you offer me?”) rather than

transformational (“What does God want from me?”).

A vision for the future


A safe, neutral setting where small groups can have conversations about spiritual topics

An intentional plan to

1) address concerns, questions, and misperceptions that pre-Christians possess

2) share Christ in a loving, informal way

3) disciple new believers in basic growth

4) teach new believers to reach their lost friends in a similar format within one year.

A Christian movement that multiplies and expands based on natural relationships.

A simple, flexible, reproducible, transferable strategy that enables new believers to

become leaders with coaching support.

A discipleship pattern that is based on doing rather than mere academic learning.

A New Testament form of church that uses its resources to expand and minister rather than

maintain buildings and focus on administrative perpetuation.

A church that moves into the market place.

How can I help?

God may call you to become a partner with us in at least three different ways:

1.  Prayer Support

If you would like to become a prayer partner, please contact us at and let us

know of your desire to pray.  We will send you specific prayer requests to lift up before God. 

2.  Leadership Participation

If you are interested in being a leader, a host, or using your special gifts in some other way, please

contact us at  We will talk together, pray together, and follow God's leadership.

3.  Financial Support

If you are interested in supporting "The Journey" with your resources, your tax-deductible contributions

may be made out to:  "The Journey".

Please contact us for more information